Thread: eye roblems
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Old 03-21-2006, 06:09 PM   #10
Liz J.
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Eye problems

Hi Alaska Angel, Thanks for checking in on me. The flashing has stopped, but I am getting some heavy duty headaches (something I never usually had). I think I have been very uptight lately. Not like me, I usually try to go with the flow. I was all set to tell my onc. yesterday (went for 4th round of Herceptin, go every 3 weeks) that I need a brain MRI and lo and behold he is on vacation. So I got one of his associates, nice guy but---, wasn't about to go there with this. He was about to take my BP when I asked if I could rinse off my contact lens as something had gotten in there. This seemed to throw him off. He never did take the BP or weight or listen to the chest - you know all the normal stuff they do. I told him I was seeing the gyn that afternoon and would request a CA125. He then looked at my file and said my last blood work (3weeks ago) was not good. After a fast beat of the heart I asked him what that meant. He said my blood hemolized (sp?) so they could not get a good reading but that I should tell the nurses to include CA125with the routine blood work, pre-Herceptin. As Murphy's law goes, nurse takes blood,I ask her if it is good to go, she says yes. She gives the benadryl and Herceptin infusion and just minutes before I am finished she tells me the blood hemolized (sp?) so she would have to take more. Found a vein and got some. I asked if I should wait around but she said this one should be ok. Don't even want to know how the gyn appt. went. I have been going to him for about 6 years. Thankfully for nothing more than the annual pap. Have not seen him since a few weeks before my diag. 4/05. He was cold as ice, asked a few questions, didn't seem to know what Herceptin was. I told him my onc. wants me to have a transvag sono every 6 months. He said that was good and wrote a script for one and told me I should call the office in 5 months to get another script. OK. Now on to the breast surgeon for 3 month checkup. He is a great guy, don't get me wrong, but he told me the Herceptin was like "getting extra credit, you already did the book report, again this is extra credit." Needless to say I was so frustrated when I got home. I was thankful nothing big came up, but it seems like no one is on the same page and I am losing confidence in the whole system. Sorry for all this. You will probably never contact me again, but I had to vent. I know you spared my husband tonight because he was going to hear it. Like I said, I usually am not like this. I try to keep it in perspective and love to have a sense of humor but not sure what to do next. Hugs, Liz J.
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