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Old 03-20-2006, 08:30 AM   #4
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Fear will get you before the cancer, I believe.

First of all, forget the "10 month" prediction. All that will happen in 10 months in a new year will start! Doctors cannot make such predictions, so don't buy into it. I'm glad you're on Herceptin now. Combined with a chemo, it should make a difference.

2 1/2 years ago, after 3 1/2 years "cancer-free", I was dx with metastasis of the liver, the bones, the brain and then the lymph nodes. The doc even had tears in his eyes when he told me. I never thought I'd see Christmas, yet another year. Well, I turned 48 yesterday and loved every minute!
I've been through Navelbine, Taxol, Gemzar and Xeloda with Herceptin and Zometa (for the bones) plus brain radiation to fight this very aggressive cancer that seems to really like my body. So there's lots of fights still left for you.

Enjoy your beautiful children and keep on fighting!

Love and light,


P.S. I've wanted to visit Scotland all my life. Very drawn there, so it must be a "past-life" thing!
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