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Old 03-04-2006, 04:55 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Rome, Italy
Posts: 7
Talking Follow up on question about psycoanalist

Hello to evreybody! I'm back, after sooo many days... so many things to do, and so little time to do them! First of all, I want to say thankyou to all of you that read my post ( A question about a psycnalist - his behaviour 02-10-2006) and shared their opinion and support. After long thinking, I went to my chemoterapist and told him the whole story. It just happened that my guardian angel had set things right, because I spoke with him in the daycare facility where I go to have my therapy, and right there, just that day, there was another lady who had the same identical experience I wrote about (even the questions she had been asked where the same). I was so relieved, because the one thing I was really afraid was that, by following up this thing, I would put myself in an embarassing situation - me being just the frail, ill, cancer-shocked little girl, and the big fat imposing guy being the good doctor...
It turned out the other lady was in my same situation, and now we are both so happy! The chemodoc is backing us completely, and we are organizing a meeting with the daycare hospital authorities to set this story straight.
So, thanks a lot to all of you - your support was strategical.
HUGS & KISSES and a lot of sunshine from ROME
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