Thread: Prayers Please
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Old 02-28-2006, 02:49 PM   #6
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 29
I just reread my note and think it sounds so dismissive.

I didn't intend that. I truly understand how you feel. Before I got the results of my last MUGA I was frantic. It was ok, but I would have been so down if it had been too low.

And my last brain MRI showed "a suspicious area" and I am waiting to have another done later in March.

Through all this I just keep thinking this is what I've got. I am doing all I can for myself. And I am trying to maintain a positive attitude. And go about my life as if I were in the best of health. And some times I can forget and really enjoy myself and not be haunted. But at other times I can't.

I think one of the worst things about cancer is that you never truly believe you are healthy again. You lose faith in your health, in how you feel. I feel fine, but I felt fine there four years ago at this time and I had breast cancer.

So I am sorry if I sounded like I didn't take your concerns seriously. I didn't mean that at all.

And I am thinking positive things for you.
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