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Old 02-25-2006, 03:33 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

I find this thread so interesting.I was exposed to many chemicals as was alot of people in our generation. First off we went fishin for smelt in Lake Erie every year. I ate lots of great Lake fish. We had terrible dentists that didn't use anethestic and used very large mercury fillings. Our trees were sprayed for Dutch Elm Disease before they were all cut down. Our parents used pesticides liberally on our lawns and our basements. We were exposed to second-hand smoke in rolled-up car windows and in our homes. ................Some of us had asthma but nobody made (or admitted to) the connection. Our water was super chlorinated and flouronated in some municipalities. And the list goes on. When is somebody going to admit that this affected many of us?
Some think we are nut-cases for being so sensitive. mt dear mother-in-law
is 77, lives on pretzels and ice cream, pepsi, coffee and about a quarter of a glass of water a day. She claims it doesn't make a difference and maybe it doesn't...not for her.
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