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Old 02-14-2006, 05:30 AM   #1
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Femara & Herceptin side effects

seems to be having a lot of annoying little side effects but can't tell who's the culprit - R or H.
1. extremely dry eyes to the point it feels like sandpaper and vision is blurry. optalmologist gave me vitamin A drops and cream and I use artificial tears as well but still hurts. rash that has spread all over my body and itches like crazy - calamine lotion and anti-bacterial soap help keep it in check most of the time but skin looks like it's been scratched all over.
3. very dry nose.
4.arthritic feeling generally
5. year and half out from chemo and still struggling with fatigue
6 constant "cold"
7. finger nails break often below the quick.
Anyway, anyone else had problems with Femara? or are these Herceptin side effects? Wondering if i should ask to change from Femara or not. Any data or which AI is better or worse?
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