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Old 02-10-2006, 08:44 PM   #2
al from Canada
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Not so scarey.

The only ones afraid of this are those who misinterpret this. All Ontarians are aware of the fears associated with a two-tiered health care system. One for the rich and one for everyone else. This however is not even close to a two-tiered system as these private clinics offer drugs that are "off label". The bottom line: if your onc won't prescribe off-label drugs for you; there is another option. I applaude doctors willing to buck the system. If you want off-label treatment, what are the alternatives in a system bound within the constraints of a public health care system?

Think of it this way; the hospitals get their funding from the government from administration of "approved" therapies. Hospitals are not allowed to accept private payments for meds. What are the alternatives?

Maybe these guys are just entreprenuers looking to make a fast buck at other peoples expense but; if it weren't for them, there would be NO access to these drugs.
This is a politically charged issue where you have to cut to the chase.

Primary care-giver to and advocate for Linda, who passed away April 27, 2006.
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