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Old 01-25-2006, 01:05 AM   #9
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 202

My surgeon does mam's every 6 months for 2 years and a chest annually. And I saw my onc. every 3 months for 2 years and at that time, she drew blood work and tumor markers. Is your oncologist pro-TM's or not? Mine doesn't specifically care for them, but it makes me feel easier and she draws the blood for them. My neruologist, I have had headaches for years, it was her recommendation that for the first couple of years she would do an MRI every 6 months of the brain just to be sure nothing was happening up there.
My onc. was very good about getting me a PET SCAN at the end of 2 years just for peace of mind, she called it re-staging.
It's a catch 22, some women like to know, but the waiting is horrible until you get the results back and others prefer to see if any symptoms arise. I think you will ask for what you want that will give you some peace of mind and be able to go on with your life. It's hard, I wish you the best in finding out your way....
Take care, k
DX: 10/29/03-Stage IIB, 3/12 nodes +, er/pr-,
Grade 3
MRM: 11/07/03
TX: TCH-BRICG Study-6 tx's; 12/15/03
Herceptin; til 12/14/04
Rads: 30 days
BRCA neg
S-Gap: 12/15/04
Oct 05: LAVH
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