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Old 01-14-2006, 12:00 PM   #12
lu ann
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Dear Tracy,

I have been in that black hole you are in and I know it can be unbearable. I cried all the time. It just consumed me. I prayed. I asked others to pray for, and with me. God listened to my cry and healed me of this burdon. It didn't happen over night, and there are still times when I visit that dark place, but I don't stay there too long.

You are taking some of the most potent meds to eliminate the cancer. The side effects can be horrendous. Tell your doc what you have told us and get something to help you with the depression.

I know how hard it is to have small children and feel the sadness of the possibility of not watching them grow up. I was first dx. 14 1/2 years ago with children 7,4, and 8 months. They are now young women and teenagers.

I am battling mets now, but I had 12 and 1/2 years of remission. It goes to show you that not all her-2+ cancers are aggressive.

Just remember, you are alloud to cry. Tears are cleansing. Take the advice you want from others and leave all the rest. You don't owe anyone anything. Now is your time to take care of yourself. You have young children to take care of, but I'm sure there are others who are willing to help you.

Try to do the things that used to give you pleasure. I love to laugh and I have been doing alot of that lately. I went to a party New Years Eve and had the time of my life. My husband and I didn't get home till 4:00am and I slept till noon. My friends sent me e-mails and called to let me know how much fun they had with me. I know they had to be thinking, "How can she be so happy and terminally ill"? Which I would say back "We are all terminal, noone is getting out alive, so live while you can, and be happy!"

Take care, my friend, and call on us for support. Someone is always here to help another in need.

Blessings to You and Yours in the New Year.
Lu Ann.

P.S. It was easier for me when the children were young. Now that they are teenagers they are in their own world and think that everything should revolve around them. It is hard to deal with but it is a normal part of their developement and we can't take it personal. But I do find it very hard not to at times.

Last edited by lu ann; 01-14-2006 at 04:02 PM..
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