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Old 01-14-2006, 08:48 AM   #7
Patty H
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Indiana
Posts: 123
When I went through my first treatments of taxotere and adrmyican I cried like that. After the first treatment I had gotten sick and so I figured that was what the crying was about. On the second treatment I started this crying thing again. I felt like I was in a black hole and no way out. Then the week before time for the next treatment I popped out of it in the middle of the night and I thought wow the depression is all over. Then after the 3rd treament I realized there was a pattern. That the chemo was causing the depression and as soon as it was out of my system I would just pop out of it. I thought I only had one more treatment and I could handle it. So I did the forth only to find out I would need 2 mores. It took me that long to bring it up to my Dr. He was quite upset that I had been going through this and hadn't mentioned it to him, because they can give you something and there is no need to suffer through it. I had never felt so hopeless in my life and I spent most of the day and night crying. I also learned that the longer I let it go on, the faster it affected me. At first it was a day or two after treatment, before I finally got help, I was crying by the time we left the treatment center. No other treatments have ever affected me like that and I have learned if I have any discomfort on anything to talk to my Dr. right away. This was all new to me, I had never been one to talk to Drs. or hardly ever even go to one. I hope you talk to your Dr. A lot of us have had this problem. Let us know how tghings go. Patty H
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