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Old 01-14-2006, 02:33 AM   #6
A Living Legend
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 235

Thanks gang, I made an executive decision today, that's what I like to call it, and decided that this THING!!!!! is just another chronic illness managed by medication and there is no reason why I can't make plans for the future and carry on as normal. How does that sound? Strange though this morning my blood levels must have been low from the oral chemo, I tried to get up, I even told myself I should get up, but I couldn't summon the energy, then this devil in me said, hang on a minute you are supposed to have cancer and that is what you do, if you don't want to get up you don't, I milked it for all it was worth and kept getting cups of tea in bed finally decided at 1.00 it was time I better better get up and feed my fish, I am trying to get a grip on life and had a nice cold glass of beer this evening, I don't usually drink anything, I figure I have enough toxins in me with out self inflicting, but I have to live and that is what I plan to do, LIVE. My darling older sister has been creating a prothesis for me that will stick into a bra with valcro, not sure if you call it that anywhere else but it is little patches that cling together. I have such a large mastectomy wound it is hard to wear normal prothesis, eventhough they are light weight they are still heavy and especilly with my fractured shoulders. I haven't seen it yet but she is very pleased with the result, she has modified the bra as she had to add extra lace at the cleavage to hide the hollow area on my chest, so I can't wait to see it, it only weight a couple of 100 grams, I have been wearing singlets with dacron pin in forms, but they never stay in the right place and I was never one not to wear a bra so I am looking forward to that as well, my reconstruction is definately on the back burner, I have to wait for stable disease, how do you define stable? Any way guys , here we go again.

Love & Hugs to all.
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