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Old 01-04-2006, 05:23 PM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Canada
Posts: 24
Last chemo


I know how you feel, the mixed emotions came for me, not after chemo but after I finished rads. I am now on Herceptin every 3 weeks, but after completing chemo and rads, I sort of felt 'Is that all there is?" While I was receiving chemo and then immediately afterwards rads, I was 'up' for a fight and didn't feel as exhausted throughout the whole process as I felt after finishing radiation. I was left feeling 'How do they know if the Herceptin will work or not?' I did not have that feeling when undergoing chemo and radiation. I did experience a wee bit of a let down feeling, not the sense of relief that I had expected to feel once chemo & rads were over. However, once my hair started to come in, I got a boost and you will too. You are lucky to get Herceptin and there are few side effects compared to chemo and rads.
The diagnosis, surgery, chemo, rads happens in such a whirlwind and you are pushed along and it's sort of like a scary ride and you are terrified and glad when it is over, but somehow experience somewhat of a let down feeling and are left wondering 'what next?'. I finished rads in November/05 and I am now afraid of recurrence whereas I never thought of recurrence when going through chemo and rads......Like I said, I was just up for the fight during that period.
I think lots of others go through the same emotions and they all pass - just enjoy your hair when it comes in.
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