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Old 11-29-2005, 01:03 PM   #14
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Open to discussion

Hi Anne.

Those who are ER or PR or ERPR + could be prescribed hormonal treatment with a SERM like tamoxifen or an AI like Aromasin, Femara or Arimidex. However, does anyone know if that treatment is "best" for those who are both ER/PR/ERPR+ and also HER2+++? From what I've read, there are indications that there is a subgroup of HER2+++'s who are also ER/PR/ERPR-positive who should steer clear of tamoxifen in particular.

Also, since the AI's often work only for a limited time, do we know yet whether it is better for those in the gray zone who are HER2+++ and NED to do Herceptin, or to start an AI? Many of the women who are being treated for breast cancer are much younger today and the long-term outcome of putting them on an AI in regard to bone problems and joint problems (as well as any other effects that are not yet quite as obvious) has no answer yet.

Last but NOT least is the difference in approach with these persons in terms of libido and depression. Herceptin may be a better answer for this, since aromatase inhibitors are targeted at eliminating estrogen and Herceptin is not.

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