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Old 10-27-2005, 05:56 AM   #4
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Join Date: Sep 2005
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I also had vision problems and an eye exam showed that I have cataracts starting. When the doctor heard I was on chemo, she mentioned she had several patients on chemo who started to have cataracts. When I mentioned this to my LA oncologist he said that's it does happen quite often. Funny, I'd never and still have never read of it as a side effect but it seems it is. My vision is getting blurrier and blurrier. However I need glasses more for reading and less for distance! but I do have the sense of a growing cloudiness over my eyes.

Here in France, they told me to get some "cataract" drops at the pharmacy - some people have luck in stopping the progression but you have to religiously use them morning and night. I've been doing it but I'm not sure I'm winning the fight! but give it a try.
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