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Old 10-23-2005, 10:23 AM   #20
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Maine
Posts: 97
Thanks everyone for your input. I really am leaning towards doing it. It seems to me that it could work for any cells I might have floating around. I guess it would just make the decision a little easier if I was getting some sort or encouragement from the professionals. I emailed Dr. Love last week and she sent me a reply saying she wouldn't do it (didn't say why not though).

Here's her reply:

This is of course unknowable but I would probably not do it at this point if I were you. The fact that you are disease free two years out is a good thing and I would let it be.

Susan Love MD MBA

I was hoping she'd recommend it. So, I guess I need to mull everything over for a few days.

Linda R. - Welcome, I'm glad you found us! I know how you feel....I'll look
forward to hearing what your onc. has to say.
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