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Old 09-06-2005, 01:05 PM   #5
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Hi Jeff -
Thanks for the post of concern - that is why we are all here!

If Rachel's med onc is worth his salt he will be calling her PRONTO if there is anything found in that scan. Hopefully he is not on vacation or has someone covering for him if he is.

In my case, I was not even home from having my brain MRI last Jan. and my med onc left me a message that there were 2 tumors and to call him on his pager as soon as I got that message! I was home a little over ONE HOUR after getting out of the MRI!

The tech had let him know what she saw and that was without the formal radiologist's report, which came in the next morning. I felt just little dizzy when I first sat up from being in the MRI and the tech steadied me a bit, but otherwise was "poker faced." She already KNEW I had a big tumor at that moment.

Rachel's doc should have a special appt set up immediately to go over the results - not wait till her next scheduled! What the HECK??
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