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Old 08-10-2005, 11:31 PM   #12
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I am VERY interested in this discussion of Blood cell counts and the continued or long-term use of Herceptin as it is not a discussion that often comes up. Here is just my take on it. I have been using Herceptin alone off and on since early 1999, and YES, I do find that it CAN lower both WBC's and RBC's and cause some tiredness (but NOTHING comparable to true "chemo" sighhh). But I have also found that diet is extremely helpful in resolving both issues. Try adding ZINC -rich foods such as lamb and oysters to your diet to raise the Lymphs...and INCREASE your energy...another GREAT trick is to buy some baby diaper rash DESITIN 40% Zinc Oxide cream and put it on your feet every night till your energy increases...and your white counts get better. Sounds silly, but so MANY cancer patients rely on this little trick. For the RBC's, I have found nothing simpler nor more effective than drinking one 6 to 8 ounce glass of WELCHES regular (do NOT get Calcium added new kind) PURPLE grape juice each morning, prior to my regular supplemental regimen and breakfast. (Try to eat / drink fruit apart from other food groups because of the fementation thing in the Cheers, Gina
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