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Old 07-16-2005, 02:48 PM   #9
Gina Popp
Posts: n/a
Yes, I must emphasize all Jessica's comments about the scans and especially about the Serum Her-2 tests and the CA 27/29 and -- once you've been on the herceptin awhile, be sure to do an occassional CA 125 as after extended use of Herceptin it tends to become elevated. If anyone knows why, I'd love to hear an explanation.

I have been checking my Serum Her-2 since Fall, 2003 and am finding that it correlates with the CA 27/29 in a most curious way. If all numbers are elevated, the serum Her-2 number seems to be about 3 to 3 1/2 times the amount of the CA 27/29. If the CA 27/29 is within what is believed to be "NORMAL" range, the Her-2 will be moderately elevated, between 16 and 50. If you can get the CA 27/29 to less than 10 and keep it there, the serum Her-2 will stay in the "normal range" (below 15 or 12), depending on the assay you are using. If anybody else out there has been charting the serum Her-2 in relation to the CA 27/29, I would love to hear from them. My e-mail is Goodluck!!!
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