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Old 04-07-2005, 09:36 AM   #9
Posts: n/a
Navelbine and herceptin has worked so far for me. I was diagnosed with nodules in both lungs, but especially left, after 14 years ( BC 1985=double mastectomy; mets to spine, 1990, tamoxifen only, NED after 3 years; DX this time in July, 2004). I had extensive fluid (A liter full was pulled from my lungs). Was put on Navelbine and herceptin for 6 months, nodules began shrinking, no more fluid. Now on herceptin only and it appears there are only 3 very small nodules in left lung now. I will have evaluation this Friday, but feel pretty good and very little side effects, except loss of appetite for sugar and loss of 45 lbs, which was good. I did have a heart attack June 30, 2004, with 80% loss in one large vessel and 50% in a smaller one. It was a good thing, too, though as they discovered the cancer met to lungs because of it. It does give me a little concern about the herceptin's effect on the heart, but so far so good. This website helped me with information to make a decision to stay on the herceptin inspite of the heart problem. The cardiologist and oncologist think the cancer may eventually get under control enough so there can be a bypass on the heart. Oh, I am on femara by mouth, too. This website has been a Godsend to me, because I have learned so much from it and greatly value the wonderful people who share so much on it. Best wishes! Tricia
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