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Old 03-19-2005, 07:39 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
Hi Alice, it is always a bummer when they kick the chair out from under you. When you say heat, does that mean radiation. I am having radiaiton with Xeloda for a reoccurence in the other breast and at the same time Herceptin and it is making the lump in my neck which is supposed to be nothing to worry about twinge and pinch like it is being attacked so, if you are having rads ask your onc to try the Xeloda with it, can't hurt, look at how many people who have been on chemo and then found out they didn't have cancer in the first place. I always maintain I won't die from cancer, I will probably choke on one of the 22 pills I take in the morning or the 14 at night. I figure I am life support for my pharmacy, at least I got a T-shirt this year from him. Oh by the way I have been getting the wind knocked out of me since 1998, so hang in there.

Love & Hugs Lyn
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