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Old 01-04-2005, 04:21 AM   #11
Posts: n/a
Hi there, I always assumed Menopause was just hot flushes and being moody, not bordering on being criminally insane , and a dried up prune to boot, after all it is MEN -O- SHALL WE PAUSE FOR A WHILE WHILE WE CATCH UP AND GET IN THE MOOD. I know now why all the ladies in the ancient movies carried a fan as an accessory. I bought a cream today recommended by a young lady pharmacist, she said I shouldn't risk taking vitamins replacements as they may stimulate oestrogen, it is calle Replens, long lasting (Lolly's word here, Soft Tissue) moisturiser, most importanly oestrogen free for symptoms of soft tissue dryness, itching, irritation and discomfort, now I have to get in the mood to want to use it, use by date is 2007, ha ha I have plenty of time, but we all need to know what product we find the best.

Love & Hugs Lyn
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