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Old 01-03-2005, 11:04 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Hi AlaskaAngel:

I have an appointment to see a sex therapist that is attached to the oncology team in early February. I am both fearless and blunt. I suspect that I can ask the tough questions that others might find difficulty voicing. I will post anything that I think is relevant so that we can all take advantage of it.

I also raised this topic in my young women's breast support group which is attached to the cancer clinic. I don't go often, maybe once every 3 months or so.

The topic was pounced on there as well. There appear to be a lot of women out there who have been through chemo and have serious libedo problems and/or vaginitus.

Depending on the answers I get, I might also raise the question at the local university campus and let it be known that this might be a potential research topic for someone looking for a thesis topic.

Someone suggested earlier that it might help using a vibrator & lubricant to "stretch" the tissues that had been dried by chemo. I know that that idea wouldn't work for me because currently I am not capable of arousal. I'm also not into pretending. I expect some action for myself as well.

I would again encourage those of you who are interested in pursuing a solution to this problem to seek the advice of proffessionals who are available to you and post their suggestions here. That way we can pool our resources and our various experts' advice. That way we collectively get more options.

Take care,
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