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Old 01-01-2005, 02:15 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
I think you are ER-, right? I am ER+. I don't have a lot to add at the moment to the discussion other than the post I did yesterday in the original discussion.

I do want to say that I specifically asked my onc if I could use estriol, and he directed the discussion back to the use of the E-string with its limited local impact of estrogen.

I would like to hear what our European counterparts have to say about the use of estriol since it is pretty widely available there.

I found the comments in the article you posted interesting, especially the stress that was put on combining progesterone use with estrogen use of any kind. Again, that seems very logical to me, as I feel bc is an endocrine disease, and it makes much more sense to try to figure out how to provide the best possible balance of hormones than it does to wipe them out along with the immune system...

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