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Old 12-29-2004, 01:46 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Hi there,

I read the other posts and the fact that your doc never discussed the importance of Herceptin is a little concerning. My mom was dx in March and I spoke to 3 dff oncs. all who thought that she should have Herceptin in the context of a trial or not( what is know as off label).
Please look for another doc to get a second opinion about the Herceptin. The trial my mom's on called b-31 is only adjuvant so you must have had the surgery already, unfortunately. I live on the east coast, so I don't have any reccommendations for you, but if you are unable to get the Herceptin, you can look for U.Washingtion's vaccine trial and I think UCLA is also offering one. THis seems unfair that it is happening to someone so young, but I guess we never know what life holds for us. Don't be afraid to talk to many doctors before you settle on a treatment, you need to do what's best for you. THis website is excellent and has many very knowledgeable people to help you with any gray areas. I hope that the rest of your treatment goes well and all the best for a complete recovery.
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