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Old 12-07-2003, 05:09 AM   #2
Linda in Calif
Posts: n/a
Hi Carla: I'm so sorry to hear about your brain mets. Sounds like you are being really strong about the whole thing. Don't be too hard on yourself for not badgering your Onc. about the MRI. We are caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to over riding what our Drs. opinions are. On the one hand they are the ones with all of the training and are supposed to know what's happening and on the other, sometimes we feel the "wrongness" earlier than the tests show a problem. I know I hate to go to my Onc with every little ache and pain because I want him to take me seriously. I even had a conversation with him telling him I was uncomfortable with calling about something minor. He said not to worry that he wanted to know about every little thing. Even with his reassurance it is still difficult for me to "bother" him. Hang in there. I will be sending lots of positive energy in your direction. Take Care, Linda
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