Thread: Silvadene Cream
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Old 12-16-2003, 10:48 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Silvadene is prescription, but easy to get.
A cheaper and very effective alternative is an aloe plant. Cut off a branch and open it up (careful not to prick yourself) and spread the jelly over the burns. It doesn't hurt, it's natural, it's cheap, it's soothing and it works!
Do not use aloe gel or lotion from a store. They contain alcohol which will act as a drying agent on your already burned skin.
I used it the first time around and had no burns or scaring. The next round I wasn't so fortunate cause I couldn't reach the radiation site well enough, so I have a permanent burn mark. But I never had any blistering. I would take it with me to radiation in a plastic bag and as soon as they were done, I would put it on my skin before getting dressed. It dries quickly and doesn't stain your skin. (It can stain clothes if it's not dry).
Hope this helps.
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