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Old 12-30-2003, 02:56 AM   #8
Posts: n/a

It's not so much her2+3 that is a concern for bc in your other breast but the fact that you have lobular cancer that concerns me. I would normally tell you that her2+ would put you at a higher risk of recurrence or metastatic cancer to liver, lungs, bones, brain mainly. It is less likely to show up in your other breast; however, you could always get another form of bc there. I had a mastectomry to my right breast only and sentinel node biopsy- 15 of 19 nodes were positive, I had large area of DCIS and 2 invasive ductal carcinomas (which did not appear on a mammogram). I had 4 rounds of AC and 4 of taxol followed by 28 days of radiation to the breast and neck area. I am her2+3 as well and my recurrence came 16 months after initial diagnosis or 10 months after finishing chemo in the form of liver mets. I never had reconstructive surgery because I am 51 and really could care less. I am now on weekly taxol/herceptin/carboplatin and am doing well. I guess I am just trying to say nobody really knows when it will crop up again, but rest assured there are many good things like the herceptin to battle it with and many of us Stage IV patients are doing just fine and dandy. I work full-time and if you met me you would have no idea I have metastatic bc. Good luck in your decision.
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