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Old 01-03-2004, 02:13 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
I kindof hate to tell about my reaction, because it's so rare, and I don't want to scare you. But you asked. Yes, after about 50 minutes into the Herceptin injection, I went into rigors which finally settled down, but my blood pressure and blood oxygenation levels remained irratic, so I was sent to ER, then ICU. At one point, my BP was 60 over 30, my veins all shut down making IV's impossible, my heart was functioning at 50%. I had to have multiple blood transfusions, a shunt thing put in my neck for IVs, multiple Vit. K shots in my tummy and was given a 50/50 chance of making it. Then after about 3 days everything just turned around.

Though this type of reaction IS listed as a rare side effect in the Herceptin brochure, I believe it was sparked when a nurse walked in during my injection and said that my white blood counts were so low they wanted to do a bone marrow test in both hips and a brain scan. The words "brain scan" (a major fear of mine) didn't leave her lips before I started shaking. The body/mind connection is powerful.

Your reaction will be perfect. I look forward to hearing from you after Tuesday!

Love and light,

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