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Old 01-05-2004, 10:20 AM   #1
Linda in MI.
Posts: n/a
Hi Eleanor,

You are a wonderful person to write such a long, detailed post. It really makes a lot of sense what you said about "overtreating". Since in Jan. of last year I was only dealing with bone mets my onc didn't feel it was necessary to "blast" me with chemo but to instead see how the herceptin would do and then "save" the more harsh treatments for later in case I needed it. Afterall, my ct scans of abdomen and chest were clear at the time.

You're right, we can drive ourselves crazy trying to second guess all of these decisions we are faced with. You are a true inspiration to me Eleanor. Reading your posts, I am amazed at how much you have endured and your strength is truly incredible. Trying to stay positive with everything you have been through is really miraculous!! KEEP GOING--NEVER GIVE UP. Things ARE going to get better!!

I want to thank you from the bottom of my
heart. You have helped me so much to sort through all of my emotions. I'm coming out of all of this an even stronger person and no matter what I'm faced with I will push forward and not look back.

You're an angel, in every sense of the word!!

Blessings and Hugs,

Linda in MI.

heart. You have really helped me so much.
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