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Old 01-24-2004, 06:31 PM   #7
Alice/Vienna, Austria#
Posts: n/a
Dx 08/2003 - mastectomy
We don´t use "stages" in Austria as we go by the TNM status. But I can tell you what it was:
Tumor >8cm (3.2in.), 12/20 nodes pos., ER-, PR~50%pos., HER2neu+++ - what stage would that be.
Got 6rds. of Epirubicin/Taxotere, 36rds. of rads (thoracic wall+supraclaviculare lymphnodes)
Tamoxifen, did try Zoladex for 6months but just couldn´t continue...

Since March 03 I receive Herceptin every 3 weeks out of HERA trial.
Never had any probs with it until December - starting with dizziness (sp?) - until really bad end of Dec. - ended up with CT of the brain which turned out to be ok, thank god.
Got better again until next herceptin hit me really bad - like chemo last year, so dizzy and headache I had to throw up...

Getting medication for that now - seems to be a histamin-related problem.

Waiting for big check-up in March but sofar doing fine - no mets we know of!
Thinking of a mammogram that was perfectly ok 1.5 yrs. BEFORE Dx it feels good that such a fast growing sucker hasn´t come back yet 1.5 yrs. AFTER Dx.

Will continue Herceptin until March 2005 and hope I will be saying still: NED ist my best friend!

greetings from the other end of the earth!
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