Thread: Love the prayer
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Old 02-03-2004, 03:31 AM   #2
Steph N.
Posts: n/a
Staci wrote:

" What a blessing!"

So glad the words of the 'St. Patrick's Breastplate' prayer helped you. I think there is a subtle psychological message in the "Breastplate" name - as this is the part of our bodies that is the vulnerable area and we need to feel protected there.
This prayer also helped me feel stronger in fending off and avoiding negative engergy - like it would just bounce off a few inches from my body!
Can't stay on the board as I am on my way to the cancer center for my every 3 week "Vitamin H." Funny how - once you are out of the chemo treatment - the cancer center takes on a new persona as a place to go for something that does not hurt and make you feel bad, and I look forward to it!
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