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Old 02-13-2004, 11:32 AM   #1
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My sister (JaneC) and I have posted here many times to get great help. Tonight, I post to have you keep us in your prayers and thoughts. We posted a few weeks ago asking for help as we had watched our Mom decline rapidly. We took your advice and pressed for a CT scan and MRI. Well, yesterday, we got the news that we were dreading. The cancer has returned to her left lung. To make matters worse, the MRI of her brain showed evidence of significant brain hemoraging at the tumor sites. The brain bleeds have caused the decline in both cognitive skills and motor skills. She is now non-transferable and is dependent upon us for most everything. We are nearing the end. She is not strong enough to have any further chemo. It would cause her to decline even faster. She is continuing on the Herceptin because the dr. feels it is keeping the cancer in her lung from growing rapidly. We are now looking at a few shorts months of life expectancy. This is her third bout with this terrible disease. She has been tough throughout the entire ordeal. She has been through chemo, radiation, WBR, gamma knife, and countless drugs. She is our hero and we are so proud of her. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers....Kathy Bradfield, Vincennes, IN...
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