Thread: Bone Mets
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Old 02-13-2004, 09:46 AM   #6
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Your case sounds so much like mine. I had lower back pain for months before diax, yet had just had a clean bone scan a couple of months earlier. After diax of liver and bone mets, I found out that a pain just under and inside the bottom of the right shoulder blade is a sign of cancer in the liver. I had had that pain, too, and thought it was muscular!

On my first Navelbine/Herceptin treatment, I had a reaction to Herceptin with veins shutting down, blood pressure and oxygen levels plummeting, heart slowing down, rigors, etc. Was in ICU with a 50/50 chance of living. Then, after about 3 days, everything turned around. Stayed in the hospital another 5 or 6 days where they gave me another Herceptin/Navelbine treatment, but let it drip for 8 hours! (Talk about a careful infusion.) And since then (Sept.), always with 50 mg. Benadryl as pre-med, have had weekly Navelbine/Herceptin treatments. I don't know why my onc decided to try another Herceptin, but I'm so thankful he did.

Love and light,

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