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Old 02-25-2004, 12:38 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
Your mother's symptoms are almost identical to mine. I have been researching this. If she can access herceptin, I would suggest that she try get do it. My oncologist has told me that it kills roughly 50% of metastatic cancer (breast cancer that has traveled to other parts of the body such as the liver or bones). They are experimenting with it at stage I (before it has travelled around the body). There are almost no side effects from herceptin (but you must pass a heart test to take it). There is a very high recurrence rate with people who are HER+++. Herceptin works best with people who are plus 3 and less so with +2 &1. People who are the most HER postitive are also at most risk of experiencing metastatic cancer.
At least one of the trials that I am trying to get on myself is a stage 3 trial. This is the best kind of trial to get on because it is the final one before it goes out to the general public. At stage one they are experimenting with dosing and at stage two they have more subjects. By the time they hit stage 3 they have some stats to work with and they feel safe enough to involve thousands of people.
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