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Old 03-06-2004, 03:33 PM   #2
Steph N.
Posts: n/a
Catching up on your life after completing several months of treatment is quite a challenge. I am still facing piles of stuff that is dated two years ago! Some nice surprises in there tho!
I had one friend tell me that it took her four years to get organized and things back in line after her treatment. I had 2 go-rounds in one year - so I guess I have to just take it a little at a time. Friends, indeed make the difference in getting us out and about. Even if we aren't sure we have the energy - we find it for them!

Maybe you can make some new friends if you find a mutual activity. Some say "cancer is the answer" and gets us to do all sorts of things we otherwise might not have.
Keep the faith and just enjoy the spring that is emerging.
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