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Old 03-08-2004, 10:34 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
Hi there, take it from who knows how you feel. I got to the stage I had violent headaches and hallucinated while in bed. Your doc would not offer meds if he didn't think they were safe.You heal when you are sleeping so it is important to sleep. I take an anti-depressant (non addictive)and 2 paracetemol at bedtime, I don't know why but this does the trick. I did have to take a sleeping tablet now and again but you have to remember no matter how much you worry about things while trying to sleep the worrying does not fix anything, so I tell my self to shut up and go to sleep and look at the problem in the light of day. Hope this helps, I have been doing this for 6 years next month, non stop,with a lot of tears of frustration, so I have a pretty good idea about what you are going through.

Love & Hugs Lyn
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