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Old 03-06-2004, 10:41 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
I'm so sorry you had to go through that!
I know we're supposed to pray for people like that b/c they really must be miserable and sad and so insecure and self-important that their days filled with confrontation & conflict, but I would have ripped my wig off and slapped them with it!(In fact, I did just that, sort of...I was sitting out side of a coffee shop, enjoying a beautiful sunny day, writing letters to friends & family & there was a man talking REALLY REALLY loudly, saying alot of inappropriate, unimportant, ignorant, opinionated things.As I got up to leave, I stopped, told him he was being inconsiderate, oh and by the way, try my problems on for size, and I pulled my wig off.That shut him up instantly.)
More importantly, I hope you won't let those people and and that instant steal one more second of sunshine of your day!They took enough from you already, don't let it continue to beat you up.Look at the blessings around you & smile.Those poor, pathetic people don't have the capacity to find the joy in a day at the park with your son, enjoying ice cream and newly painted pink nails!!
What a nice memory that is...keep THAT with you!
Take good care & God bless!
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