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Old 03-11-2004, 04:45 AM   #5
Steph N
Posts: n/a
Normal followup is generally every three months after finishing your radiation. This will consist of probably a chest x-ray, a baseline bone density test, and continued check of the tumor markers. Depending on tumor markers, your med onc may order a PET scan.
My cycle was a little different as I had my follow up with med onc a little over 1 month after finishing radiation. This was to check my tumor marker that had been running a little high, but it came back to well into normal range at that point. Then the 3-month cycle began.
You will probably see your surgeon again a couple more times to follow your scar/s and your rad onc as well a couple more times or until all symptoms from radiation are under control.
I also had another mammogram six months after my surgery (no reconstruction as just got away with lumpectomy and lower axcilla excision) as a "new" baseline.
Hope this gives you an idea of what to expect down the road to GOOD HEALTH! Just get used to the fact that you will be making a lot more trips to the docs than prior to diagnosis.
I looked at these visits to confirm my good health - was never scared, even when I got my news of mets. Once my doctors told me that it WAS POSSIBLE to have a complete response, I went with that as my new mantra. It worked - I am NED.
You are the caretaker of your family, but you will also need some caretaking - make sure others know this and accept their help.
Smile and be brave!
And come back to this board with any questions or concerns - we are here for you.
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