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Old 06-22-2004, 04:31 AM   #1
Pam P
Posts: n/a
In the scheme of things this is a minor annoyance, but it's driving me crazy. A year ago I was on taxotere. I had lots of difficult side effects, all of which resolved, except teary eyes and running nose - and it is constant. My eyes water all the time - people often think I'm crying. My eye doc said there's a procedure to put tubes into the tear ducts, but said the success rate isn't very high & doesn't recommend it. Also my nose runs all the time as if I had a cold. My skin is always sore from the blowing & wiping. It's miserable to be out to eat, or anywhre & be always dealing with this. My onc. doesn't have any suggestions. I know this is from the taxotere & I've been off it for a year now, so I don't think it will get any better. I can't take drugs like sudafed, etc. I have a bad reaction from them, and I don't have allergies, so don't know if they'd help anyhow. Is there anyone else who has dealt with this? And did you find anything that helps? Thanks. Pam
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