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Old 10-16-2004, 03:23 AM   #1
Steph N
Posts: n/a
that we live in a big city and it is hard to avoid people with colds and flu - and it is hard to tell what people have as the contagious stage is just before the symptoms hit!
We own a retail store in the downtown area and our local product reps come in, sick or not - the customers come in, sick or not. So, I have a hard time avoiding people at close contact. (Can't be rude to paying customers even though I may want to throw them out the door for coming in sick!)
Of course I take precautions such as standing back from the grocery lines and choosing one where no one is coughing or sounds like they are sick, and when shopping moving in the opposite direction from anyone hacking or sneezing, spewing their pathogens.
If I did not have to work at the store, especially during the busy holidays, I might not be as concerned. I also have asthma that is now under control.
I will be on the phone Monday redialing until I can get through and set up a flu shot appt at the district health clinic. I will probably have to pay the $20 (I hope that is all) for it, not sure if they submit to insurance.
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