Thread: its back
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Old 08-04-2021, 09:12 AM   #8
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Re: its back

Let me add one more thing about the copper/zinc ratio and thats it. For one thing it may be the ratio that is important not the actual concentration of either zinc or copper. This has nothing to do with Copper reduction to prevent angiogenesis using the copper chelator, Ammonium Tetrathiomolybdate.

You can have physiologically normal concentrations of both copper and zinc (Its is a range of numbers not a single one) and still have a "bad" ie "cancerous" copper zinc ratio. This abnormally high Cu/Zinc is seen in many kinds of cancer, even in Leukemias.
People in the last stages of cancer often have CU/Zn ratios of over 2. Usually the copper level increases and the zinc level decreases. There are exceptions where only the copper level rises but this is not the rule.

It appears that good zinc levels encourage apoptosis and inhibit cancer proliferation and spread. Think of microbiology. A certain bacterium will need maltose to grow in the culture, another proprionic acid, while another one will need fructose. Possibly (very unlikely I admit} cancer thrives when the blood has a high copper/zinc ratio. To me this kind of possible treatment might have a beneficial effect, ie giving zinc supplements to lower the copper zinc ratio by raising the serum zinc level. Stranger things have happened.

Unfortunately cancer has become a big industry. I firmly believe any real advances are going to come from the "peanut gallery" not from the pharmacologists at Pfizer or Novartis. Please forgive any misspellings

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