Thread: its back
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Old 07-28-2021, 05:32 PM   #6
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Re: its back


Radiation does sound like a possibility. Like anything with cancer it is somewhat of a crap shoot. Some patients respond extremely well others dont.

This may sound crazy but Ive been thinking this way so lo ng Ive long " losyt my rocker " and cant tell the difference anymore. There is something in cancer called the copper zinc ratio. If you were to take a blood test and get the results for copper and zinc blood level (I think it is measured in microgram %) you probably would have a copper zinc ratio of 1.5 or higher. With cancer the copper levels rise and the zinc levels drop. Look up the copper/zinc ratio for yourself. I always wondered if normalizing it by taking zinc supplements and raising the zinc blood level would be helpful in a adjunct to treating or even preventing cancer as this would lower the copper/zinc ratio.

I worked as a pharmacist 43 years ago at a big cancer hospital and it was
an experience. For years I had a cancer "scare" I wont go as far as to say phobia. Ill take it shorter than I want. I have benn taking zinc supplements (my Dr. knows; she shrugs her shoulders) as a possible cancer preventitive and raided my ratio to a good level. Will this be a preventitive? Who knows. It cold make the situation worse. The slow pace of progress with cancer has made me shrug my shoulders. As a treatment for cancer making things worse
is possible. Very possible. Cancer cells use zinc also as a cofactor for enzymes etc. If you find yourself interested you can discuss this with your oncologist. Dont self medicate with over the counter zinc.


Forgive any misspellings
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