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Old 05-14-2020, 04:16 PM   #3
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Re: Coronavirus - is low vitamin D a factor - vitamin D and respiratory conditions

^ if you read my paper from 23rd March you may notice a certain resemblance in terms of content and posit.

"The COVID-19 virus emerged in 2019. Mortality rates as at 20th March 2020 are much higher in southern than northern Europe. The elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions, are at greatest risk. It is hypothesised, vitamin D deficiency may significantly compromise, respiratory immune response function, thus greatly increasing risk of COVID-19 hospitalisation, severity and mortality. Winter vitamin D levels: based on; limited data, including; historical measured regional vitamin D deficiency rates (<25nmol/L), intakes, and plasma vitamin D levels; fortification and supplementation policies; and public vitamin D awareness: appear to be significantly lower in southern, than northern Europe. In respiratory system conditions, such as influenza, vitamin D has wide-ranging and fundamental roles, including through: gene transcription via COVID-19 relevant VDR (Vitamin D Receptor) pathways; ACE1 and ACE2 pathways; wider immune function; airway epithelial cell tight-junction function and integrity; and mitochondrial related, energetics, apoptosis and inflammation, management. Studies suggest vitamin D supplementation may be protective against respiratory conditions, in ‘D’ deficient persons. Would vitamin D supplementation of the deficient, mitigate the severity of the current COVID-19 outbreak; and reduce future, likely upcoming, seasonal amplification effects?"

Media Coverage / credit received by my paper = Zero

Citation of my paper in the above - nope


Last edited by R.B.; 05-14-2020 at 05:03 PM..
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