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Old 08-19-2019, 08:06 PM   #3
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 530
Re: 3 questions for alternative/supplement user

Well, we had used PSK (mushroom extract) back in 1/2001. We stopped to eliminate any chance of interference when she first started Letrozole in 10/2001. I am thinking of reusing it now due to recently learn of the abscopal effect of radiotherapy (see link in article of interest) particularly in conjunction with immunotherapy. Essentially this effect is about tumor cells from "distant" sites that are not radiated also die from the patient's immune system. As far as I know, PSK has a fair amount of research compares to other supplements, particularly for its immune boosting effect. I happen to run into the article below:

“…Another factor to consider is that turkey tail mushrooms, like other varieties, can hyper-accumulate heavy metals, especially from air and soil pollution. Analyses of mushroom products from Asia, particularly Mainland China, have shown abnormally high levels of cadmium and other immuno-compromising metals -- not a good thing for people who want to bolster their immune defenses…”

So I am back (from 2001) looking for a reputable source of PSK.

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