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Old 10-21-2018, 05:57 PM   #10
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Posts: 36
Re: Calling all stage iv sisters

This is wonderful. Thank you so much everyone. I'm one of the newbies. I started at Stage 4
September 2017: woke up one morning and noticed my wrist was slightly swollen. A puffy wrist. That is how it all started
October 2017: went to orthopaedic surgeon to find out what kind of injury was causing my forearm to swell, orthopaedic surgeon recognizes lymphedema, and sent me to breast clinic
November 17, 2017: biopsy: 4.4x1.7x2.8 mass, IDC
December 2017: treatment by homeopathic physician
January 24 2018: lumps in neck (supraclavical nodes)
January 31, 2018: first appointment with Medical Oncologist
February 1, 2018: first scan, found Mets in bones, possibly liver but inconclusive since I refused dye injection
February 2, 2018: follow up with MO for scan results, he had samples of Capecitabine and advised to take 4 pills every 12 hours for 7 days. Ordered HER2 test which had not been completed on my sample at time of biopsy in November, convinced me to meet with Radiologist, tumor was very large and grown into skin, agreed to try radiation
February 8, 2018: first radiology appointment and first Xgeva
February 9, 2018: follow up with MO, results are back from pathology and my sample is HER2-positive, MO wants me to do this infusion "antibodies" thing...look, I just got my head around radiation, now you want IV stuff????
Febuary 15, 2018: first radiation treatment, cried like a baby
March 1, 2018: first Herceptin infusion, cried uncontrollably
March 2, 2018: radiation treatment halted due to extensive skin damage after just 12 treatments
March 21, 2018: applied to John Hopkins for lymphedema vein bypass surgery
March 22, 2018: second Herceptin infusion, social worker made referral to Physical Therapy for me for lymphedema treatment
March 26, 2018: had assessment for lymphedema and follow up with MO, physical therapist made MO sign waiver because of my active cancer status, MO wants me to add Perjeta to my next infusion...really, more stuff..
April 2, 2018: first lymph drainage massage treatment
April 5, 2018: follow up with Radiologist, skin healed well enough to wear a sports bra...woohoo...not resuming radiation
April 20, 2018: heavy bandages applied to left arm to reduce lymphedema swelling
May 3, 2018: first Perjeta infusion, now on H & P, and Capecitabine, and Xgeva every 3 months
May 30, 2018: first PET scan, came back NEAD
June 15, 2018 discontinue Capecitabine since NEAD
July 31, 2018 Johns Hopkins Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for consult for Vein Bypass Surgery for lymphedema, surgeon determined I am good candidate and surgery scheduled for October 5th...
October 5, 2018: Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Surgery was poorly done and failed miserably, the swelling is worst than before surgery.
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