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Old 11-04-2017, 02:04 PM   #4
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Re: The traditional diet of Greece and cancer.

As ever complicated stuff, but very simplistically 13HODE is an oxidised product of Omega 6 linoleic acid, (AKA 'FA oxygenases') and one of the most common oxidised lipids in plasma by a long way (exactly which is the most common differs between groups but they are all oxidized derivatives of linoleic acid - more research required as to why)

The preferred substrates of the 'LO' lipoxygenase enzymes are linolenic and linoleic (probably in that order - arguably an evolutionary consequence of their centrality in plant function), so simplistically if there is lots of linoleic acid (plant derived Omega 6) in the circulation, and not much linolenic acid (plant derived Omega 3) the the LO enzyme is going to work on oxidizing the linoleic acid including to 13HODE.

13HODE is found in oxidised vegetable oils along with other oxidised products, as well as being created by the activity of oxidizing enzyme activity, including that of LO, on ingested linoleic acid in the body (remember linoleic acid cannot be got from the diet and must be made in the body; it is an essential nutrient we must have enough to be healthy but arguably excess and more so where the Omega 3 linolenic acid is low, in the context of an overly processed, antioxidant depleted, western diet, is a significant factor in western diseases.)

The conclusion below needs to be mulled in the wider context of papers referred to in this thread, but adds more weight to the contention that excess Omega 6 in vegetable oils and other sources in the context of a nutrient depleted and nutrient damaged western diet is a factor in risk of cancer occurrence and progression.

The full free paper is accessible through the link below, and below is a abstract of the concluding paragraph at the end of the paper.

Fatty Acid Metabolites in Rapidly Proliferating Breast Cancer
Joseph T. O’Flaherty,1 Rhonda E. Wooten,2 Michael P. Samuel,2 Michael J. Thomas,2 Edward A. Levine,3 L. Douglas Case,4 Steven A. Akman,5 and Iris J. Edwards6,*
Anthony Peter Sampson, Editor

"In conclusion, the metabolites and pathophysiology behind the contributions of FA oxygenases to poor survival in breast cancer has been ill-defined. We find that among the metabolites of the oxygenases known or found here to stimulate breast cancer cell proliferation, 13-HODE stands alone in associating with rapidly proliferating, rapidly dividing, aggressive grade, and perhaps metastasizing breast cancer. Three oxygenases make 13-HODE but correlation studies suggest that its major producer in rapidly proliferating breast cancer is 15-LO-1. Since 15-LO-1 makes other metabolites that are not characterized for proliferative activity in breast cancer cells or measured here, 13-HODE’s contribution to proliferation, division, and metastasis may be complemented or even superseded by other products of 15-LO-1. This caveat also applies to the trends of PGE2 and D2 to be negatively associated with these parameters of aggressive disease. Nonetheless, our results indicate that 13-HODE is a marker for breast cancer severity and the 15-LO-1/13-HODE pathway is associated with a rapidly proliferating, dividing, and possibly metastasizing phenotype. We propose that the over expression of this pathway speeds breast cancer’s growth and spread. Over expression of the other oxygenase-metabolite pathways, including the CO/PGE2/D2 pathways, do not use this specific mechanism to worsen the disease."

Last edited by R.B.; 11-09-2017 at 04:13 AM..
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