Thread: Navelbine
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Old 10-25-2017, 10:49 AM   #1
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Re: Navelbine


Navelbine is related to Vincristine, a drug used in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in children.
It is given IV as a single drug, once a week in a dosage of 30mg per M2. There are other protocols but the dosage given is between 25mg-30mg per m2 body surface area.

You are probably interested primarily in the possible side effects. It can cause decrease in Neutrophils and this can be severe, leading to infection so your blood counts will be carefully monitored. It can also cause anemia. I dont think it affects the platelet count as much so thrombocytopenia and bleeding are less of an issue.

Constipation is another common problem. When I worked as a pharmacist at Sloan Kettering 40 years ago they would often give the Leukemic children getting Vincristine
Lactulose (brand name Cephulac). The drug is actually for I think Ammonia intoxication but it works well as a laxative for Vincristine patients. It should work for Navelbine constipation. Speak with the Oncologist.

Peripheral Neuropathy (tingling in the fingers and toes) is another possible side effect but it is not as severe as the Taxol like drugs. Navelbine works against the microtubules involved in cell division as do the Taxanes, and it seems that most of these anti-tubule drugs can cause peripheral neuropathy.

Hair loss can occur but it is nowhere as severe as Adriamycin or Taxol. This is what I have read. Im sure you will get some responses from those who actually have been on the drug. Good luck with it

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