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Old 12-03-2016, 05:23 AM   #20
Paula O
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Re: Update on Paula/Cancer Fightin' Words

I spoke to my onc's PA on the phone yesterday. I inquired whether they could do a CBC beforehand (as in yesterday or Monday) with a neupogen injection if needed so I don't miss another Taxol next Wednesday. I don't really get the wait and see approach with ANCs in the .9 - 1.1 range and WBC b/w 2.3 -2.7 before chemo but that's what they want to do--seems like it's sure to crash lower seeing as I got Taxol again on Wednesday after a week holding it the time before because of low numbers. The nurse had recc I wear a mask in public because of my low counts.. The PA burst that bubble of me thinking it was protecting myself in some way, told me not to bother and referred me to the research that shows masks are essentially most suitable to keeping our germs to ourselves (like limiting airborne bacteria with coughing), not so much for filtering other people's germs out of an immunocompromised system. There is lots of info on the internet confirming the uselessness of the masks for self protection---bummer. I am skipping two Christmas parties this weekend to lower my exposure.

I posted a photo of my hairy tub in my blog this morning Hope it's not too gross/TMI--sure hate to see my hair shed again but this too shall pass and it's a good trade in this battle versus cancer. I love that "Never a Bad Hair Day" anecdote, found it here on this site years ago and adapted it a bit for breast cancer. Laughter is good medicne!

Have a nice weekend, everybody.

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