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Old 09-26-2016, 11:32 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 47
Re: Aromatase Inhibitors: Personalized dosing?

Thank You Paul for all the information.
If by chance you come across any data about proper dosage based on age, weight, size, BMI, ethnicity, PLEASE keep me posted! It just doesn't make sense to me how "one size fits all." Where is the data? I've seen studies as it applies to overweight/obese women. What about slim low BMI women?

I am going for a second opinion. I don't know if I'm going in circles, but I need to get more answers. My onc says there is no difference regarding dosage or between Arimidex and Aromasin, but what I read, and what you shared...there are differences....Isn't Aromasin a steroid? It's rebound is different as well etc... Arimidex has made me very achy and mentally depressed and down. Our brains and body needs some estrogen...

Where did you see the proper estrogen levels? Any data or articles you can send me? That's what I'm trying to find. The data.

Hope you are doing well. Are you a cancer patient or advocate for someone?

Thank you for your time and input!

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