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Old 05-25-2016, 11:46 PM   #21
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 122
Re: Resveratrol--interpret this article?

So Cal Gal,
I completely agree! And I don't think I would be hesitating except for the little piece of my life that I didn't share. My father is undergoing heart ablation surgery the 6th of June to be followed by 2-3 weeks of not lifting more than 10 pounds. He won't be able to live alone until he can lift more than 10 pounds. Right now, I am the one scheduled to stay with him through those 2-3 weeks in June. That is the second reason why I would really like to wait until early July for the trial treatment. I treasure my time with my dad. Our times together are limited given his health and age.

At the same time, I don't want to be stupid! If I'm honest I will tell you I am wrestling with it right now! My husband and I had a long chat last night and are leaning toward starting the trial treatment the beginning of July, but we will be discussing it further to be sure! In the meantime I am filling out paperwork and getting registered etc. There is no end to paperwork is there?

Oh, and the OTHER thing causing me to pause just a bit is that our son is also trying to enter a clinical study. His is a phase 1 of those "never tried in humans" trials. It has been a difficult decision deciding if he should try to qualify for it or not. But tomorrow he makes the phone call asking to be screened. I"m not entirely sure what that will entail. I would like to be available to help him during this initial phase.

Despite all these issues going on in my life, I completely agree with everything you have said! No arguments here! And I appreciate your thoughtful and honest response! REALLY I do! Please do keep the thoughts coming. I take suggestions seriously.

Thank you!
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